Case Studies

Document Digitization & Document Management System (DMS) For AMG

Amin Mohammad Group (AMG) world class company in developing ideal investment opportunities and innovative real estate solutions, both locally and globally

Amin Mohammad Group (AMG)




Real Estate


Amin Mohammad Group is a group of company. It has played an important role in the success and contribution of the real estate sector. It is among a handful of realtors who are doing housing business honestly and lawfully. 

They have many legal documents in this department regarding land and very important at the same time. They use the documents daily for official purposes and those are manually maintained, searched & retrieved.


Due to the nature of storage, Amin Mohammad Group had to face multiple difficulties cited below:


DIVO Solutions Limited joined hands with Amin Mohammad Group and eliminated all the difficulties and complexities.

We have successfully digitized and indexed all the document according to client’s requirements, developed an archiving software. As a result of winning, a lot of time before looking for documents, it can be easily found in very little time now. And if hard copies are lost then there will be soft copy, which was not Possible earlier.


Digitization has made everything easy and changed the scenario.